Lightweight and durable often don't fit in the same sentence when looking at camping gear, unless you're talking about Hilleberg Tents. Hilleberg has long been one of the most respected tentmakers in the world. A quality tent is an important investment for mountain hunters. In the backcountry, and especially in high altitude settings, a good tent can literally make or break your hunt. Once on a Colorado 2nd season rifle hunt, a gust of wind rendered my tent unusable. The next few nights were uncomfortable and we left that hunt early to come home.
Every tent is different, and you'll want to find the setup that works for you. I won't just go out there and tell you that what I use will fit your needs because everyone's methods are different. This article will outline a few of my favorite options from Hilleberg. You'll find Hilleberg is fairly humble in the way they rate their tents. I've personally used their 3 season tents in winter months and they've held snow loads and kept me dry. Over the past 5 years, I've been consistently using the Hilleberg Enan for my early to mid season hunts in the high country. I'm typically elk or deer hunting in the months of September and October and have found this tent to be a great option for me during these time periods. It is a one man shelter. You aren't going to fit two people in it. It isn't a free standing shelter either. You have to stake or tie out two lines to make it work. But it weighs just barely over 2 pounds, and can stand up to rain, snow, and wind -- with enough vestibule space to fit my pack, rifle or bow, with a high enough ceiling that I can comfortable sit up if I'm stuck in it for a few hours. While the Enan is considered a "Yellow Label" or 3 -season tent by Hilleberg, I've found that it works well during my early to mid seasons, and I can trust it in almost anything that mother nature wants to send my way.
The Enan is based on the Akto design. The Akto is a "Red Label" or 4 season offering. So if you get into more inclement weather, it may be the way to go over the Enan. The difference between these two tents is the materials used. The Enan uses a more lightweight material and some mesh where the Akto is a built as a 4 season shelter.
A few other models that are very popular among hunters are the Soulo, Nallo 2 (or 3) GT, Akto, and the Anjan 2 (or 3) GT.
The Hilleberg Soulo is a great free-standing, 4 season, 1 person tent. You'll notice a slight increase in weight when compared to the Enan or Akto due to it's free standing design at just over 4 lbs. Once again, it is tall enough to sit in, with plenty of vestibule space for your pack and weapon of choice. This tent is going to stand up to rain, heavy snow loads, and wind, and is a fantastic option for someone looking for a solid free standing solo tent.
For some more information and photos, check out Randy Johnson's review on the Hilleberg Soulo Tent.
The Nallo and Anjan tents comes in next as a very popular option in the Hilleberg line. The Nallo and Anjan have the same tunnel design. The Anjan is built using more lightweight materials, and considered a 3 season option. These tents are available with or without a very large, tent sized vestibule. The vestibule option is labeled as the GT model and has a ton of room for gear, cooking etc. The Nallo GT, being the "Red Label" or 4 season tent comes in at around 5.5 lbs , without the vestibule you're looking at 4.5 lbs. But with two guys and gear, split the tent up into two packages, and you're only carrying 2.5-3 lbs each. The Nallo and Anjan have front door design, and like all Hilleberg tents, will stand up to most all weather conditions you may encounter during your hunts.
We're proud to be a Hilleberg tent dealer in Wyoming and have depended on them during our hunts. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to learn more about any of the tent offerings from Hilleberg - The Tentmaker!

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